Friday, July 11, 2008

from me to you

No Such Thing - John Mayer

something to read to start your day off. (link)

now people have always asked me why im so quiet, and if you questioned this yourself, im willing to give you an answer because today i came across a conversation that two very close people i know had, and it triggered something in my head, i dont exactly know what it is and i dont know if i could explain it any further. maybe you could figure it out on your own by reading the rest.

my answer to you is... im quiet because (and im not bullshitting you, this is all me) I observe people, and yes there are times when i actually dont know what to say, but a lot of times im reading people and when they speak i try to see how they view their life and how they try to live it and what kind of person they really are.(thats just the cool way of saying it)

theres things i admire from each person i keep in touch with, thats why i keep in touch with them. it could be from just being a really nice person or someone that just "knows".

now im just gonna say a short thing to some people. take it in or not, i just feel like it flows well with the moment =] (dont bring this up when we're together, im gonna feel awkward)

ALLEN-dont always try to find the "fuck it" way, go for the best

ANDREW-listen to what your friends have say about you, and learn from it

JOSH-you have potential to make it big in life dont give up

BJ-try to chill with us more, dont be a stranger

ZALDY-dont bring yourself down when you make a big mistake

JUSTIN CUA-youre gonna go somewhere in life, keep going

MIKE-try not to lag so much, you might miss out on something huge

PAUL-sorry paul i dont know what to say about you, youre good at this moment, from what i see (sorry everyone=)

MATT-samething as pauls but i might be missing something

VANNA-dont let him bring you down all the time

i didnt mention some people because im getting tired, sorryyy but GOODNIGHT!

P.S. prove me wrong
P.S.S i tried making this look really serious HAHA

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