Tuesday, April 8, 2008

spring break begins

(pretend you are me)

you go back in time to SATURDAY. you wake up in the morning wondering what all kinds of things youre gonna do. you get a call from vanna saying if you want to hookah at the hofilena household. you get a text from allen tolentino "what are you doing today" you reply with "hookah at H.H" (for short), so then you get a call from zaldy lopez asking "what are you doing today?" then leads to "wanna hookah" you reply with "hookah at blah blah blah" and zaldy answer back with "OK" he picks you up and you go to zaldys house for a bit because "i needa shit" says zaldy. so he takes a shit and while hes pooping you play BRAWL and few minutes later both of you leave to hookah.

so you get to the house and you see familiar faces (reg justin ralph etc.) youre suprised to see ralph there. you pack the bowl (for the hookah) and the backyard is where you'll be at with errone else. reginald tries the new hookah first and says "IT TASTES LIKE GASOLINE" then the hoses go around a few times and its done.

i went with vanna to speedzone because jbone and jmoney were going there too so i met up with them but i got there 10 minutes before them. for those 10 minutes i felt like a total loser, alone at speedzone. so paul allen came later and we all played with crazy racing game. i got in 4th place twice and 2nd place once. we got hungry afterwards so we said our farewells to vanna and we were off to in n out. eventually mike santos and kevin kurdi met up with us there and Ace but he came speedzone too. after everyone ate their thangs we all went to my hizzouse and chilled with some joose and brewskii's. Had some laughs and exchanged some gifts of love. oh and marielle was there too. jboner slept over and vanna came after everyone left, went to donut tree. came back, vanna left and we knocked out.


Sunday was the boringest day, if i get another day like that this spring break, im going to be very disappointed. i did absolutely nothing. i cant even explain what i did cus it would look like this ______________________________________________________________. so thats what i did on sunday

MONDAY is today
monday was an alright day
just gonna list it
-brawl at zaldys
-robeks (3x) w/ zaldy and jcua
-my house for potstickers
-vannas (2x) hookah,(left early) movie night
-chilled in garage in the afternoon with mike and ksquared
-chipotle with mike and kevin and matt
-zaldy came over after
(out of order)

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