Tuesday, January 22, 2008

2nd semester

second semester started...fuck second semester, i actually have to do work now.
at least i dont have seventh period.

-Ja Rule

Finally went to Taco Tueday after how many months

i want these tacos

not these

fuck that


1.What happens when you cross a singer and a rocking chair? -- you rock to the beat.
2.What goes tick-tock, woof-woof? -- a watchdog
3.Why did the farmer bury all his money? -- to make his soil rich
4.If fruit comes from a fruit tree, where does chicken come from? -- a poul-tree
5.Why was it hard for the geometry teacher to walk? -- she broke her angle
6.How do you turn soup into gold? -- add 24 carrots (karats)
7.What do you do if a rhino charges you? -- Give him your credit card.
8.How do you make a witch itch? -- take away her W
9.How does a man on the moon get his hair cut? -- eclipse it
10.What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence? -- time to get a new fence.

1 comment:

Zaldy said...

sweet jokes man