And i tend to tell God thank you
Cus baby you an angel, at least from my angle
my ultimate favorite.
from you waking up to my early morning texts, to me falling asleep to your late night ones. and then the "favor" phone calls. playing 51 questions. trying & failing to solve puzzles. facebook, bejeweled competitions. never knowing what to do. so staying home and watching HBO for 485726509 hours. origami cranes. one-word arguments. adding my mam. driving me to school. taking it back to sitting in front of you in spanish class. knowing me too well. all your damn slow jams. pillow sheets and chocolate sprays. still coming around when i have the coughmonster. disney songs. picking me up and taking me home. putting up with my whining. making fun of me whenever you get the chance. wanting to be cool with my family just so you can come to my family parties. being bored together. cute messages. and accidentily deleting them. your yelling. your no boundary questions. not knowing what to say. our daily facts. "just know i gotchu." thanksss. & for always making me smile.
theres more, but thats all i can think up right now :]
P.S i still owe you thai food!
Love, Ann